Acifin Launches M&S Mobile Campaign
Something a little different, perhaps?
On this day, the 20th of September 2018, we launched the apps that we designed and developed for Marks & Spencer’s food delivery service Lunch To You, on iOS and Android. No, really.
We’ve been working with them for most of the year on this project, we were approached by Greencore with a simple problem, they needed a way to let their customers know they had arrived. Greencore operates vans that take the M&S sandwiches and food they prepare in their massive, and I mean absolutely mind-blowingly big warehouse, and deliver them to workplaces in their area around Northampton.
Our solution was quite simple, we made an app for the customers and an app for the drivers of their vans, customers could select where they worked and they’d get a 10 minute notification and a 1 minute reminder that the van would be arriving soon?
Did it work? Of course it did! M&S reported an increase in sales.
Update: M&S lunch To You was since suspended and the apps are no longer available on the app store. If they resume the service and rollout nationwide as planned, we’re ready and waiting to spread the word with our influencer power.